Research Data Management (RDM) for Humanists
February 15, 2023, 1:00pm-2:20pm EST
Presented by: Shahira Khair & Matt Huculak
Duration: 80 minutes
Description: In this hands-on and discussion-centered workshop we will discuss and identify unique considerations for managing “humanities and social sciences research data”. In this workshop we will introduce you to the basic lifecycle of data–including your own personal data. We will learn about different formats (proprietary vs. open), software, and metadata for your data. Finally, through discussion, we will think through the question: what state of your data will be most useful for you to share with the community?
During this session, we will:
- Create a data inventory of your existing data
- Map out the personal data lifecycle
At the end of this session, you will be able to:
- Differentiate data formats
- Give examples of good shareable humanities data
- Express some of your data needs for data management plans
- Sketch your personal data inventory
- Recognize good data for long-term access and preservation
Finally, you will be prepared to think through submitting your data to national repositories (see Session-2-3).
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Le même séminaire en français.
Shahira Khair (she/her) is a librarian at the University of Victoria Libraries, with portfolios in research data curation and organizational analysis. She holds a Masters of Science in Biology and a Masters of Information, both from the University of Ottawa.
Matt Huculak (he/him) is Head of Advanced Research Services at the University of Victoria Libraries, with responsibilities in digital scholarship, faculty engagement, and grant work.