Introduction to programming in R
February 14, 2023, 3:00-4:20pm EST
Presented by: Marie-Hélène Burle
Duration: 80 minutes
Description: R is a free and open-source programming language for statistical computing, modelling, and graphics, with an unbeatable collection of statistical packages. It is extremely popular in some academic fields such as statistics, biology, bioinformatics, data mining, data analysis, and linguistics.
This introductory course does not assume any prior knowledge: it will take you through the first steps of importing, cleaning, and visualizing your data. Along the way, we will get familiar with R data types, functions writing, and control flow.
Technical requirements: The hands-on workshop environment will only require a modern Web browser. A second screen is recommended to be able to follow instructions on one screen and write code on a separate screen.
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Le même séminaire en français.
Evolutionary and behavioural ecologist by training, Software/Data Carpentry instructor, and open source advocate, Marie-Hélène Burle develops and delivers training for researchers on high-performance computing tools (R, Python, Julia, Git, Bash scripting, machine learning, parallel scientific programming, HPC…) for Simon Fraser University and the Digital Research Alliance of Canada.